Churches are looking at new visions in 2023.

Home / Churches are looking at new visions in 2023.

“Vision is a mental picture of what could be fueled by some passion of what should be. “Casting vision is one of the most important tools in the pastor’s tool belt. With vision, you excite people about the future. You bring necessary changes to the church. With vision, you mobilize people to solve problems vexing the community. Effective vision casting sets change into motion.” John Maxwell encourages the importance of vision casting for pastors like this, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” The greatest leadership is by example. You must do, act, say, and be the person you want your team to be. Leadership is a visual thing. You cannot take others on a journey with an unknown destination. Know where you are going and how you are going to get there. When you are showing people how to get the vision, you do it with them; you keep them close.” Rick Warren prompts, “What’s your church about? Every church should fulfill the five biblical purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism. But how you fulfill the purposes depends upon the distinct nature of your church. What makes your church unique? People aren’t the only ones with a particular shape; whole churches have them as well. When you’re communicating a vision to your church, you’ve got to help people see how your church is unique.” Seeing the big picture, the outcome and the benefit is appealing to everyone. The more people involved means the more people can potentially be reached. This means that you need to learn to communicate what God has shown you so that together you can all help put His purposes into action. Communication of all types is required to reach people in the ways they are listening. A mobile app with churchwide, group, and personal communication tools is the best solution for making sure you’re casting and reinforcing a big vision to a big audience in small but powerful ways.

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